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What does it mean to be "born again?"

What does it mean to be "born again?"

Repent. Believe. 
Be Baptized.
Receive The Holy Spirit. 

Repent. Believe. Be Baptized. Receive The Holy Spirit. 


What is the "Normal Christian Birth"

In this teaching series, David Pawson outlines what the "Normal Christian Birth" is. There are 4 key steps mentioned throughout the New Testament to be born again: Repent, Believe, Be Baptized & Receive The Holy Spirit. We cover these things briefly in our New Believers & Baptism class, however for a more robust exposition, please use these videos and the linked documents as a greater resource. 
Download the corresponding Study Guide & ebook here:
You can also download indiviudal videos and audio  here.

What's a good book to start with?

Obviously THE BIBLE! Make a habit of regularly reading God's word. In the New Testament there are 4 "gospels" which share the good news of Jesus and they are a great place to start. Pastor Cam's favorite Gospel is Luke because of the amazing details Luke shares. If you don't know where to start, one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) are a great place to begin. If you want to learn more about salvation, what it means to believe and be saved, this short book written by Charles Spurgeon is a great place to start as well. 
Download the ebook here:
You can also purchase a free Kindle version or physical copy on Amazon here.

This Journey Starts With Repentance & Love

Repentance is when we realize how wicked our sin is and how lovely God is. An evangelist named Winkie Pratney made some great resources which help walk us through Repentance (A Spiritual Check-Up) and to make sure our "conversion" was born out of a love for God, not a fear of Hell, fear of Man or selfishness (Counterfeit Conversion). We think both of these resources will be extremely helpful for you to walk through as you start your faith journey. 

Next Steps

4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. 5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
JOHN 15:4-5

Abide definition:

to remain, stay, wait; to be kept; to not depart or leave; to continually be present; to last or endure; to remain as one is, not to become another or different; to be still in (His) position.

Spend Time With Jesus

Set Time Aside: We recommend setting aside 30 minutes each day to spend with Jesus, but if you need to start at 10 or 15 that's ok too! We call this part of abiding a "Devotional Time."
Focus on Him: Make sure it's time you aren't distracted by everything else in life.
Talk To Him: The beauty of what Jesus has done is that we can know God and be known by Him! God wants to speak with you! Be still, talk, listen. Like most conversations, they get easier the more you have them.
Learn About Him: Read the Bible! The best way to learn about Him is to read His Word! We recommend starting in one of the "Gospels", that's Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. You can also listen to a sermon, read a christian book or listen to worship music.
Make It Memorable: Try using the "S.O.A.P." method. Read a chapter of the Bible, then write down: a Scripture or two that stands out, what you Observed about it & what you can Apply from it, then Pray about it.
Pro Tip: Just start with something. If you miss 1 day, don't miss 2. 

Devotional Resources

  • EXCERPT - "The Morning Watch" is an amazing overview of what a "Devotional Time" should look like download it HERE
  • APP - The Bible App is a great resource full of devotional plans, videos and more you can download it HERE
  • APP - MessengerX From Bevere Ministries is another great app with books, videos and more you can download it HERE
  • BOOK - How To Pray By R. A. Torrey - access it HERE
  • BOOK - Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray - access it HERE
  • Podcast - Crazy Love w/ Francis Chan - access it HERE
  • Sermon - "Identity Crash Course" by Dan Mohler - watch it HERE

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