New Here?
At Maranatha Assembly we are passionate about helping people Know Jesus and make Him known. We want people to know His Word, know His Love, and know His Abundance. We believe that as people begin to know Him, their lives are forever changed. No matter what you look like, where your from, what your experience has been, you are going to be loved here. We believe in the power of God to make everyone who follows him a multiplying-radically-loving-community-transforming disciple, who can't help but proclaim the goodness of Jesus everywhere to everyone.
Where we Meet
2505 N Ringwood Rd.,
McHenry, IL 60050
What To Expect for Sunday Services
A typical Sunday service will last about 90 minutes. We begin with Praise and Worship which is a good mix of contemporary and traditional songs that is led by our worship team. After Praise & Worship, we dismiss our big kids (4yrs to 5th grade) to "M|Kids" which is our children's church. There is also Nursery (0-3) available starting at 9:45am. After worship we open up scripture & respond to it, which is typically about 45 minutes in all. Feel free to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.