All Bark No Bite

Fences Can Be Helpful...

Lately I've been getting up before the sun and going for a run. One of my favorite views comes a few paces in as I look up past the trees to see Orion's Belt. It starts my day off with a glimpse of how big and how great our God truly is.

In Chapter 19 of Psalms David writes:  "The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork." These stars, range from 800 to 1300 lightyears away from Earth. Yet, from our vantage point, they seem right next to one another, and all seem just as bright despite the vast distance. It's feels impossible to look up at God's creation and not begin my morning in gratitude and thanksgiving. Yet, a praise and few breaths later, I remember I'm out of shape. So, I keep running and focus on problems closer to home, like the dark uneven pavement trying to trip me.

Monday started out much the same. I looked up to the stars, praised, then continued on my run. The rest of my run, aside from some big puffs air, is usually silent until I get home, but Monday was different. I found myself a short distance from the house breaking into praise yet again. No, it wasn't because my run was almost done, but because a dog wanted to kill me.

As I was nearing the end of my run, the dark sidewalk barely lit by an upcoming street lamp veered very close to a tall fence. I reached the edge of the fence and the barking started. It wasn't a kind bark. It wasn't the bark of a small yapping dog either. It was the bark of a dog who had just spotted an intruder trying to break into his home in the dead of night. The bark followed me the length of the fence line viciously, seeming to get more angry the longer I kept running along the sidewalk. I reached the end of the fence, and just as it started, it now stopped.

At the time, I couldn't remember which house it was or whose dog this might have been. It was dark, I was tired, honestly, it could have been a deep voiced Chihuahua, or raging cage-fighting beast and I wouldn't have know the difference. All I could hear was the bark. All I could see was the fence. I was very thankful for the fence.

As I ran along the fence and the first bark rang out, I was scared. But then I felt the comfort of the Lord, His whisper saying, "I'm with you, the enemy will bark, but He can't touch you." While the dog kept barking, I kept running. When God started to whisper, I started praising. My hands flew up in the air. I thanked God. I praised Him while the dog barked. He was all bark, no bite. Why? Because I was safe. There was a guard, a fence, between me and that which wanted to destroy me. So rather than run to the other side hoping the bark would stop, I just kept running and praising.

Many of us face very real challenges, this world tends to bark and bark loud. There are things which seem insurmountable, overwhelming, and crippling. There are voices which seem to ring in our ear, producing fear, anxiety and worry. There are reports, diagnoses, and situations that arise that make it seem like hope, joy, and peace are things which you will never truly feel again.

Many times our vantage point is so locked in to the dark uneven pavement right in front of us, it seems like all we can manage to do is stay upright. Then out of nowhere, the bark. It throws us for a loop. Fills us fear. Yet, there's another vantage point to look from at the same moment.

As God looks at the situation, he sees peace in the midst of chaos. He sees both the enemy on the other side of the fence, and how the barking will stops at the end. He sees He sees both the ferocity of gigantic balls of fire flying through space stretched across hundreds of light years, and the simple shining belt which will provide light and praise to tiny humans hundreds of lightyears away. He sees the pain of the moment, as well as the healing that is to come. He sees the challenge and adversity, as well as the way He will turn it for good.

When the enemy barks, stay grounded in truth.

In Ephesians 6:14, Paul challenges us to "Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth." The NIV renders this the "belt of truth." When the enemy comes barking, as believers we stand with the truth of God upholding us. Remember the foundation of our lives is Christ himself. Ground yourself in Him.

Challenges always come. The dog will bark. The diagnosis will not always be positive. The rent comes due every month. But the truth of God is a fence which guards you. This is partly what it means to "cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5. When the enemy brings lies, condemnation or when he barks, we remind ourselves of the truth of Christ.

"I'm with you, the enemy will bark, but He can't touch you." The enemy is all bark no bite. When we are in Christ, we know He is with us. We may go through hardship, but never alone. We will walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and He will be with us. When we face persecution, He draws nearer still. We may be face embarrassment, scorn, ridicule, or any number of challenge, He did too, and He is with you in it. We can face evil, and yet have no fear, because He is with us.

When the enemy barks, stay grounded in truth. You will get through this. It might be hard, but you will get through this. Jesus tells us "Your Father knows what you need before you ask" (Matthew 6:8). Go to him. Pray. Be real, be vulnerable and listen for his whisper. Don't let fear, or the bark of the enemy keep you in such crippling worry you miss out on the adventure God has for you. Instead, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." (Matthew 6:33-34).

When the enemy barks, praise.

When the dog barked and I heard that gentle whisper of God, my head followed my hands up in praise. I caught a glimpse of the stars yet again. Remembering how great, how powerful, how wonderful, how majestic our good God is. He holds all things together by the word of His power. He heals, restores, forgives, renews, and works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

If the enemy is barking at you right now, I want to encourage you to fix your gaze fully on God. Take the enemy's bark and make it obedient to Christ, by telling that dog the truth and lifting up your gaze. "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory." Colossians 3:2-4

Death is the biggest bark of all, it can feel more like a bite than bark. Where was the fence to protect us from this? Grief is a normal part of life. Jesus wept knowing Lazarus had died. There's nothing wrong with mourning. Yet, in the midst of the bark of death, Jesus wanted His friends to know the power of God. He called Lazarus up out of the grave, because death is not the end, in Christ it is simply a new beginning.

The enemy is all bark, no bite. "Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:54-48

When the enemy barks, keep running.

Do not let the enemy deter you from the great calling of God on your life, or the good works which God has prepared in advance for you to do. Keep running. Lift up your gaze. Lift up your voice to praise. Thank God that what the enemy has meant for evil, God will use for good. Stay grounded in truth. Keep moving forward in the call and mission of God on your life. Keep pursuing. Don't allow the bark to get you off course.  Claim the promises of God, praise Him in the midst of the barking. Keep running. Don't let the enemy keep you from what God has graced you to do.

When the enemy barks, stay grounded in truth. When the enemy barks, praise him. When the enemy barks, keep running. Why? Because the enemy only barks at those who are in the race.

I never heard the dog bark, until I started running. The enemy wants you to stop. He wants you to quit. He wants you to give up, go back to your bed and never run again. Keep running. God is with you. The enemy will bark, but He can't touch you.

Action Matters.

Here are a couple action steps you can take:

Take A Next Step In Your Faith
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Join A Discipleship Group
Most people don't make disciples and are never discipled, because they don't know where to begin. Join a discipleship group, and become a disciple who makes disciples, who makes disciples. CLICK HERE.
Start Serving
My faith became real when I started activating it by serving in the local church. A simple "yes" to greeting, led to finding my calling. Ready to say "yes" to serving? CLICK HERE
This is the only area in all of scripture where God actually invites us to test him. God is faithful, he desires to bless his children and for his children to trust him. Take a small step and trust him today. CLICK HERE.

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